Social Media

TASK #1: Social Media
As a class we will watch the video Facebook by John Oliver , while watching take notes with the following questions in mind (we will discuss them after the video):
  • What demographic may John Oliver’s audience be?
  • How does John Oliver blend his opinion with factual evidence? 
  • What is the purpose of his video? What is he trying to accomplish? 
  • Would you classify this as Citizen or Traditional Journalism?
TASK #2: Editorial

In groups of 1-2 look back on the material from the last couple days and write an Editorial draft (300 words) on Citizen Journalism and Traditional Journalism.
Do you agree with Citizen Journalism? Which type do you believe is more beneficial?

Need a refresher? Here are the materials from last class
Traditional vs. Non Traditional Journalism

Try this website out as well!

TASK #3: High Culture vs. Low Culture 

Looking back on chapter 1 of the reading, 
  • What is high culture media?
  • What is low culture media? 
Today we will be focusing a little bit on Low Culture Media, read the Polygon list of The Best Memes of 2019, So Far and complete the following: 
  1. Write a response about the post in the COMMENTS, write your opinion on the post. Do you agree? Disagree?
  2. Take the power into your own hands, create your own meme
  3. Upload your j.peg to google classroom 


  1. I agree because some of them were funny, but there are also some I did not think were funny. There are some that I did not know about or did not seem to be as important, though. I liked and laughed at a few, but I think memes can be kind of weird to talk about at the same time.

  2. Many of these were not that funny. I think it's just that I don't look at memes. The only ones I liked were the askii buff bunny and the Spiderman meme.

  3. If I'm being honest with the words that I speak then admit, and strike me down if I sin but most of these memes were ass. Now I know it is bad to say so but half of these makes no sense or were just milked dry of its original hilariousness. It's muy disappointing.

  4. Like a lot of my classmates have said the memes weren't that funny. But like with Linden I think that may also just be me. I don't really find many things funny.

  5. High culture is seen as superior. It is the culture of the upper classes (at the top of the skyscraper. Shakespeare).
    Low culture is seen as inferior. It is the culture of the lower classes (bottom of the skyscraper. WWE.)

  6. I don't really think the memes this article featured are really the most relevant in the community, so I had not heard or seen many of these before. Where was Creeper Aw Man? Area 51? Ight imma head out? Most of these memes have been sucked dry of all hilarity.

  7. high culture media is the type of media that is going to have a meaning and that people are going to look back and a remember. Low culture is more like something that is good for the movement and time but isn't really going to be helpful in years to come


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