Advertisement and Paralinguistics

TASK #1: Political Propaganda

Obama Attacks Success

Big Bird a Criminal Mastermind

Romney is the problem, not the solution

Find a Way

Keep these questions in mind:
What is the product? 
How are they trying to sell the product?

On your own watch these videos: 

NRA: Kristi's Story

Gerald Daugherty

Captain Khan

After you are finished watching, write a post on YOUR BLOG about the videos, Answer the questions: 

What is the product? 
How are they trying to sell the product? 
Do these videos have anything in common? 

TASK #2: Advertisement, Logical Fallacies, and Paralinguistic cues. 

Slippery Slope: 

Card Stacking: 

Bandwagon Appeal: 

Hasty Generalization: 

Post hoc ergo propter hoc 

Authority Appeal: 



Paralinguistic cues: 

Image result for men vs women in ads

Image result for men vs women in ads

TASK #4: Work Time

PSA / Commercial due: December 4th 

Here is a sample of what students have previously done:

Toothbrush Ad
Scrunchie Ad 

Take this time to start working on your project. 
By the end of the period you should have: 
  • An outline of your PSA / commercial 
  • Any dialogue written down for your PSA / commercial 
  • Practice your dialogue
  • Start recording your PSA / Commercial 
Homework: Ch. 11 pt. 1 w/ questions and annotation (due 11/21/19) and 1984 page 136 (Book 2, Chapter 9)

Extra Credit:
Watch the following video by John Oliver: 
State Legislature and ALEC

and write a blog post about what you learned and what was discussed. 


  1. Kristi's Story
    - This advertisement is trying to get you to vote for Trump and think bad about Hillary. It does this by telling a story of a person who would have died if they didn't have a gun, and saying that Hillary wants to take away your right of carrying a gun while Trump allows you to carry a gun.

    Gerald Daughterty
    - This ad uses humor to try and convince you to vote for Gerald Daughterty. It does this by trying to convince you that he cares about his work SO much that he doesn't do anything other than that.

    Captain Khan
    - This ad attempts to get you to vote for Hillary by placing Trump in a bad light.

    The thing that all of these ads have in common is that they do their best to make you vote for somebody, usually by putting another candidate in a bad light.


  2. Post on ALEC:

    John Oliver is hilarious. That is the most important thing I've learned from this. I already knew that local governments have the most influince and yet no one pays attention to them. What I didn't realize was that many of them run unchallenged and once they're in office, because no one pays attention, they can do things without facing conflict of interest or having to even create their own draft language. ALEC is so easy to use, and I can see why many of our representatives use it. What I fail to understand is why this is supposed to be a bad thing. It removes the barrier of being to lazy from people who wouldn't otherwise do their jobs. I don't see the problem with it. But yeah. John Oliver is hilarious.


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